Tadabur Al Insan

Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala berfirman:

وَدَا نِيَةً عَلَيْهِمْ ظِلٰلُهَا وَذُلِّلَتْ قُطُوْفُهَا تَذْلِيْلًا
wa daaniyatan 'alaihim zhilaaluhaa wa zullilat quthuufuhaa tazliilaa

"Sedang naungan pohon-pohon Syurga itu dekat kepada mereka, dan buah-buahannya pula dimudahkan (untuk mereka memetiknya) dengan semudah-mudahnya."
(QS. Al-Insan 76: Ayat 14)

وَدَا نِيَةً-and the near or hanging low. Remember دانية which means to be low so meaning one that is hanging low or also for just near.
Dunya is call dunya, why? Because it is near compare tu akhirat. So,
وَدَا نِيَةً عَلَيْهِم -near over them

 ظِلٰلُهَا -it shades plural of the word ظل(zhil), what is ظل(zhil)?- it is mean shadow or shade.
Meaning the shadow is not far, they near above them.

 وَذُلِّلَتْ -and it will be lowered, what will be lowered?

 قُطُوْفُهَا -it's cluster, meaning it's food that is ready to pick. How???

 تَذْلِيْلًا-completely and fully lowered and brought down, same root with  (zullila)تذليل، ذلل(tazlil), what does mean? That which is brought low, brought down. Completely and fully meaning not just physically low, but brought low under their wishes. Under the wishes of people in Jannah.

قطوف(khutuf)- plural of قط(khitt) is use for fruits that a ready to be pick, meaning it still on it that tree ready to pick. They have not fallen, but still on the tree and they ripe, ready to be pick.

Whenever they want to eat it, they will come down, it will be under their wishes. Just as the عين is, likewise even the trees and the fruits are. So no thorn and no distance will reperts their hands away 

This might mean, a person under stand to pick your fruits yourself and that means you have to serve yourself-No-
Allah Swt clarify.

Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala berfirman:

وَيُطَا فُ عَلَيْهِمْ بِاٰ نِيَةٍ مِّنْ فِضَّةٍ وَّاَكْوَا بٍ كَا نَتْ قَوَا رِيْرَاۡ
wa yuthoofu 'alaihim bi-aaniyatim ming fidhdhotiw wa akwaabing kaanat qowaariiroo

"Dan (selain itu) diedarkan kepada mereka (oleh pelayan-pelayannya): bijana dari perak dan piala-piala minuman yang keadaannya laksana kaca (nampak jelas isinya) -"
(QS. Al-Insan 76: Ayat 15)

"Dan kepada mereka diedarkan cawan cawan drpd perak dan piala piala yg jernih laksana kristal."
It will be circulated among them, meaning somebody will be bring something and circulate among them. Take one person to the others, serve one after the other.

يطوف(yathufu)-go around
وَيُطَا فُ عَلَيْهِمْ -so what will be circulated among them?
  بِاٰ نِيَةٍ مِّنْ فِضَّةٍ -container dish, a vassel of silver, dishes of silver. What does it mean, empty?-NO-
Of course if silver plater are being brought, you will expect them to be full of something so now here the utensil of Jannah are being describe.

 وَّاَكْوَا بٍ -plural of اكواب(Akwab)
and also cup, so something to eat from these silver vase and something to drink from the cup which not has a handle. There is no handle to it, something like a glass we familiar is, so the اكواب they will be,
كَا نَتْ قَوَا رِيْرَاۡ-is use for glass, for clear drink or a clear vessels. Meaning such of vessels that is clear that you can see what  inside it.
So now a platers in silver and a cup glass. But this glass Allah says قواريرا(khawariro) mean فضة(Fiddhah). Clear glass is made from silver, shiny. Glittering almost, so sophisticated.


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